Three Benefits of remote learning for every generation

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My passion for education and learning stemmed from my parents and grandparents. They knew and emphasized the true power that education brings us. I’ve been in the field for 30 years, and we’ve never experienced a revolution like this before, where the status quo has been so completely disrupted. People are no longer tied to their location; they can work and learn virtually anywhere—in the comfort of their own homes, on white-sand beaches, deep in the mountains, anywhere—so long as the Wi-Fi is sufficient.

While it might seem like online learning is new, it is certainly not a new concept. In fact, some version of remote education has been around for decades. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, even more people have had to move a part of their lives into the virtual world. This shift has led to astronomical growth in the field of online education.

This is an exciting and, dare I say, unprecedented time for business professionals to invest in online learning experiences, not only for their own career advancements but for that of their employees, as well. More people than ever before are reevaluating how they spend their time, energy and hard-earned money. What better way to improve these areas than to invest in yourself with quality education or level up your career aspirations with new skills and knowledge?

What are the benefits of pursuing online learning?

I could spend a long time answering this question, but there are three key elements of online learning that make it advantageous for any business owner, leader or professional.

  1. Optimized learning experiences enhance comprehension and application of the curriculum.

Not all learning experiences are created equal. While in-person learning certainly has benefits, online learning has been shown to increase rates of information retention—as much as 25% to 60% when completed online as opposed to 8% to 10% when done in person, according to the Research Institute of America.

Furthermore, if tasked with only reading text from a screen, one may quickly disengage or simply get burnt out from staring at said screen. But add in interactive elements like discussions, animations, graphics and scheduled checkpoints for motivation and coaching from the education provider, and you get a completely transformed experience where students are challenged to apply what they’ve learned in real time and are motivated to progress through their education.

  1. You have flexibility in when, where and how you learn.

The effectiveness of online education can be attributed to the increased flexibility of that education. Most online programs are self-paced, which allows students to complete their education in a timeframe that suits their needs—especially those who are taking care of loved ones, such as young children or aging parents. This autonomy in choosing a learning schedule has been shown to work particularly well for adults.

Take this flexibility one step further to accommodate learning from wherever you are in the world. Online learning platforms, including apps on mobile devices, bring students from all over the world together at the tap of a screen, providing an engaging and tactile experience where students feel connected to the material and to their classmates, despite lack of proximity.

Online learning also makes it easier for professionals to continue their education journey while working. Being able to learn from a mobile app—whether on a commute, while traveling or while running errands—creates a value-added experience that emphasizes the practicality of earning an education as an adult. Plus, it accommodates different learning styles, from listening to podcast-style lectures to virtual simulations and participating in discussion boards in real time.

  1. Transferrable skills can be developed for an increasingly virtual workforce.

The hybrid workplace presents a new environment for employees and professionals to thrive in. As we all get increasingly more tech-savvy, we are realizing the benefits of having more flexibility with our time. An online education program is an easy way to deepen current skills and test out different subject matter interests without losing sight of your personal and professional goals.

When considering the multitude of programs and courses that are available, one of the most important factors in choosing a program is to find one that will prepare you for success in your next endeavor. Whether you’re looking to enhance skills for your current job or you have a desire to transition to a new field completely, online education can be a welcome fit.

Seek out programs that have a community and support system built in—someplace where you can network and stay technologically literate while gaining relevant skills and knowledge. These will push you further along your path to success.

The Bottom Line

During the height of the pandemic, millions of people found themselves at a “career crossroad”: They could either stay in their current field or switch gears to follow their passion. Many people chose the latter and flocked to online education as a way to completely transform their lives, all while staying safe at home. Online education is here to stay, and it’s incredible to be a part of this revolution and evolution happening in the field.